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Easter Sunrise

The advantage of the clocks going forward is that we didn't have to be up quite so early to capture the stunning sunrises this weekend. When we look at the sea with its constant ebb and flow and listen to nature up-close and personal, it is hard to believe that the whole of creation does not stop in awe to take this spectacle in.

We have been blessed with many retreat guests since the beginning of February, each bringing a unique offering in some shape and form to life at The Cliffs. The labyrinth has been popular and has provided deeply spiritual insights for many who have walked it - one guest walked it every day for the duration of their eight week retreat with us.

We are thinking about how we can increase the opportunities for people to experience our slice of heaven during autumn and winter. We are hoping to host some quiet days and launch an on-line (and/or in person) group meditation program in the next few weeks. If this is something you are interested in please let us know.

Our Easter blessings for your ongoing spiritual journey. The sunrise awaits you.*

*subject to clouds/rain etc.

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